Intro to Blues Slide Guitar


Intro to Blues Slide Guitar

Learning some basic slide guitar skills can really add dimension to your guitar playing and overall musicianship. In this introductory course, I show you exactly what I have learned in the 2 years that I have been studying how to play slide guitar.

The biggest breakthrough I had is when I figured out "Open E Tuning" as the gateway to all those fabulous sounds I was searching for. I will show you the tuning and a great way to start your slide journey.

I'll show you the proper  left hand slide techniques and what'll you need to get rocking and having fun right away. I will also focus heavily on the right hand and the proper string muting you will need to work on.

I have had so much fun adding this new set of skills to my bag of tricks and I'm super excited to teach you what I have learned so far. 


Intro to Blues Slide Guitar



Intro to Blues Slide Guitar